Friday, July 27, 2012

What is Your Passion?

Do you have a passion, something you love to do, that is a part of who you are? Do you know that having a passion can lead to higher life satisfaction, vitality and meaning in life? Yep. Well, as long as the passion is in balance. There is always a "but."

My passion was basketball. For a period in my life I played for hours and hours a day. This wasn't when I was a kid (though that's when the passion started) this was as a young adult. I would take time in the middle of a day to get into a game. I was late to meetings and dinners because I played too long ("just one more game" I told myself.) It was so serious that it became an obsessive passion. Obsessive passion is defined as a passion that is out of control. The passion starts to intrude on the other parts of life so much so that there is little or no balance. Luckily I saw it happening and backed off my playing time. Now I still enjoy a game, but there is plenty of other things to do.

Studies show that 75-80% of those surveyed have at least one passion. A harmonious passion is defined as something you love to do that is internalized and becomes part of how you define yourself but it is in harmony with all of the other parts of your life. For years I told people that I was a basketball player. Not very good, a little too short and slow, but I love the game. It was part of my identity. The benefits are  substantial. Bob Vallerand,Ph.D has found that people who have a passion, aside from the higher life satisfaction I already mentioned, have lower rates of conflict and burnout, fewer chronic injuries and overall higher well being.

So, what's your passion? You can have more than one. If you don't have one, it is possible to develop a passion. Start by identifying some activity that you enjoy doing. Next develop your skill in the activity and examine if it is becoming part of how you identify yourself. Once you allow it to become a part of your, it has developed into a passion. Now, just enjoy the moments it gives you.

I don't get the chance to play basketball much anymore because I can't find a good local gym in Asbury Park to play. But I have other passions and this is one of them.I love to write. I love words and how they form ideas. I have the benefit of sharing with you and just enjoying the moment. So try it. Find your passion. It feels great.

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