Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Ebb and Flow of Life Can Help You Achieve Greatness

This morning the fog is San-Francisco-thick here in Asbury Park New Jersey and it seems to have affected my computer. Of course all you techies will reply that there is no way for fog to affect a computer, but for a non-techie like me, it happens. As I watch the misty fog drift down 2nd avenue my computer seems to drift in and out of connectivity, or cooperation. My fingers try to fly on the keyboard, only to have the computer choose to pause and then eventually spit out my typing with machine gun effect onto the screen. Yet, I'm learning that this is part of life and shouldn't inhibit me or any of us as we move through our day and achieve our potential.

Yep, life ebbs and flows. If you don't know that by now then you've lived your life in an amazing bubble. Yet, we live in  an age that demands constant attention, speed, energy and focus. It's impossible to maintain. No one can go forever 24/7/365. Sooner or later, something or someone will crash. The key to success is to embrace the ebbs and flows that life provides,  especially if you aren't disciplined enough to establish your own.

I've learned this lesson the hard way. I'm driven, or was. There is no question about that. When we were setting up our business and I was writing on the side it seemed there was nothing I couldn't do. I had a ton of energy. But I could only keep that up so long. Looking back I can see how my creativity and my performance suffered. Then I started using the ebbs and flows of life to create some balance. Let me give you some examples.

I travel quite a bit on airplanes and was one of those intrepid warriors who scribbled on notepads until they allowed me to open my laptop, then tapped away for the flight balancing my computer, water and stale peanuts. Now I use flights to relax and rewind. I take good novels or choose to watch some of the in flight entertainment. It is part of the ebb and flow of my life that causes me to pause. And I've found I'm just as productive, even more so.

When colds hit, I used to push through them, saying that they didn't bother me and I could continue on track. Yet I weakened my immune system and sometimes the cold lasted longer. What I've come to do is accept the cold and at least take one day to just rest (okay I've got to work on this one). But admitting that I need to let my body heal is a good way to embrace the reality of life and take a break.

Finally I've found that when computers crash, phones die, or some technological glitch occurs I call someone for help and in the waiting time, I try to exhale (I'm still working on this one too). Yet I can't do anything except get upset, so why not just enjoy the moment?

Many of us are driven to achieve, work, be present for family and just push ahead. Yet life can't be lived continuously at a hectic pace. Individuals like me have a tough time scheduling down time (I'm getting better).  The ebb and flow of life, when we embrace it, allows us to take a breath, get our bearings and focus. We will be better for it. So, the next time you are in a traffic jam, the electricity goes out, your computer is slow or you have a cold, maybe life is telling you it's time for a breather. Exhale, because the work will be waiting for you when you come back. Enjoy the breather and you will be even better when you come back to what's waiting.

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