Friday, February 8, 2013

Are You Ready For "Life Storms?"

"There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothes."  Scandinavian Proverb

As the East Coast of the US braces for a massive snowstorm and all of the weather forecasters become apoplectic in their frenzy, I was reminded last night of some of the important lessons we can learn from dealing with weather. At dinner a friend told us that in his experience "most people came in to the store to buy the essentials only after the snow started falling." By then it was usually too late. 

Let's face it, we all have rough times in our lives; we might call them "life storms". So how do we prepare? Well, just think about a snowstorm. Here is my short list of things to have ready. 

1. Do you have enough food? Food is critical to survive, especially in difficult times. What feeds you during life storms? Do you need creative time, time alone, or time with others? Do you find that books give you support, or do you need time for prayer? Your "food" is whatever sustains you through difficult times, gives you the courage to continue and the desire to see things through. The most important lesson is to have all of this prepared BEFORE the storm hits. 

2. Do you have a safe place? In a storm, most of us can stay in our homes, but we have to prepare them for continued warmth if the power goes off. Where is a "safe" place for you when life storms hit? Do you have a quiet place in your home, office, church or park where you can sit and feel safe? Have a place prepared where you can think through all that is happening. 

3. Do you have the appropriate clothes? I now have a water-proof winter coat that is really warm and I don't worry about the outside temperature. For life storms having the appropriate clothes means knowing the positive attitudes, strengths and skills that you can use in any situation. Taking time to build up your "wardrobe" of positivity allows you to deal with most challenging situations. 

4. Do you have a good shovel? Let's face it, after any storm, it's important to recreate connection with the outside world. In life storms the same rule applies. Who can you call when things are difficult? Who is in your network of family and friends that is your touchstone to the outside world? Keep them close for when you need them. 

Life storms, unlike major nor'easters, often come without warning. There is no better time to stock up and prepare for the next one. And in the meantime, if you are waiting for this coming storm, get ready. 

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