Friday, September 14, 2012

Are You Bi-locating Right Now?

Where are you right now? No, really. In your head, where are you? Are you 100% present to what you are doing? Because many of us, myself included, are so overwhelmed with all of the possibilities of what we could do, where we could be and who we could be that we aren't fully present in our lives.

I'm probably more guilty than most people in creating this state of bi-location. For years I've written about personal greatness and striving to unleash the best you can be. Yet often people ask me if I can ever rest; if I can stop trying to be great and just enjoy the moment. The answer is, I'm learning.

This morning glancing at Twitter, Facebook, Positive Psychology News Daily and the morning news, it seems that everything around us conspires to make us feel that we need to be in a better place, with better clothes, a better body, better friends and possibly a better drink in our hands. It all adds up to bi-location when we are in one place but constantly dream of a better world.

Individuals who exemplify personal greatness have a wonderful ability to be fully present in the moment, even when striving to achieve something or improve themselves. Partly they seem to have an innate understanding that much can be learned in this moment, rather than pining for something else. They live as though this moment and the person directly in front of them is the most important. There is no greater skill to develop than this one.

Let me repeat that. Being fully present in the moment, with those around us, is one of the greatest skills we can ever learn in moving toward personal greatness. All it takes is practice. The other night my partner and I had a late dinner together. We talked as we prepped the meal, shared some wine and then sat down to eat. In the midst of tasting my food (it was wonderful) enjoying the conversation and company and sipping my wine I realized that I was complete. The reason was that I was fully attentive to the moment.

There is a time to think of the future, to plan, to long for something more. But establish the plans and goals and then don't think about them. Be fully attentive to the moment and don't bi-locate. You will find your life and your goals take on a powerful vividness and still you can fulfill those unfulfilled dreams.

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