Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Maybe You Don't Have to Set Goals

Almost all of the self-help books blather on repeatedly about the importance of goal setting. They imply that you will never get anywhere if you don't set goals. They also imply (which is worse) that you need to know what you want to do with your life at an early age and set up goals and benchmarks along the way. That is fine for some people (like me) but it doesn't work for everyone. What about those people who succeed simply by living their lives?

Don't get me wrong, I believe in setting goals. I've done it for years and guided my life through the goals I've set for myself and the achievements I've checked off my list. However, I also believe in spontaneity and opportunism and the more I study great individuals, the more I'm learning about the power of the moment.

Most of us didn't have a revelation of our own greatness as a child and determinedly march toward that goal. Yet we hear stories of world champions like Serena Williams or Tiger Woods who determined from early childhood that they would be number one in the world in their sport. And we are told that in order to achieve greatness, we have to do the same. Not true.

Recently I watched the story of Coco Chanel, who became one of the greatest designers known the world over for her simple, elegant style. Coco didn't have any goals or dreams of being a designer. At one point she may have had a dream of being a famous singer (that didn't happen). But all Coco was trying to do was survive. It just so happened that she was in the right place at the right time and did her job (making hats) very well.

For some of us, that is the way we will attain our personal greatness. Life moves on and we strive to survive. We go to work, prepare food, perhaps raise children and we do it the best we can. I've discovered that two things can elevate our life and work. One is to do the absolute best at what you are doing right now, no matter what it is. People get noticed, promoted, or given opportunities when they stand out. The key way to stand out is to do what you do exceptionally well, every day.

The second way to elevate your life is through spontaneity and opportunism. Spontaneity (almost the opposite of goal setting) is the willingness to try something new whether on the job, or at home. You might find a new way to do something, or a job you enjoy more. Opportunism is the skill of being aware of possibilities that come into your life. Every day there are opportunities to meet new people, do new things, take on new tasks and step into something you love. The skill of noticing when these happen is key to unlocking great things in your life.

Let's face it, all of the best self-help books can tell some of you to set goals and it won't happen. However, all of us (even us goal-setters) can benefit from some spontaneity and opportunism. Look around you. Your dream job, or new time in life might be right in front of you. You just have to recognize it and take the step.

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